
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Girls First Birthday Celebration

Andy's Dad owns his own barber shop and is also a preacher.  This means that he works every weekend both days.  Since Gamma and Papa cannot come up for the girls birthday parties they decided to come early and have their own celebration with them.  The two girls shared the cake.  Reagan was so excited about receiving a dancing Dora doll!  She has been very in to Dora for a long time.  Dora teaches pre-schoolers spanish, numbers, alphabets, and colors.  She goes on adventures and uses a magical backpack to help her on her way.  It is very cute.

Madison dove right in to her slice of cake with no problems.  Unlike Reagan, she has already had sweet things such as ice cream.  It's the second child thing.  Reagan did not have anything sweet until her first birthday and then she was so overwhelmed that she was not interested in her cake very much.  Not Madison, she loved it!

This was such a nice day with Gamma and Papa.  The girls love their visits so much.Posted by Picasa

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